Single mindedness or Sleeplessness?

I wrote a post, it didn’t get published because of bad internet and now I am too tired to type it all again and I don’t remember most of it. Nope can’t remember or think straight. I’ll convey what I can in points. Sorry.

Traveling is hard.

New place every night.

At times like this, we seek comfort by imagining that we are in our own bed.

So I tried to do the same but ended up with little sleep every night for almost a month now.

People drained me. single mindedness made me question my whole built of inner strength.

No this was not a vacation but just some visits back and forth to my native place.

and yeah, I have to mention that I walked 17 kilometers at a stretch.

My final question is : Is my confused state and lack of everything including trusting myself, because of sleeplessness or single minded people?

Maybe both?!