Vantsy105’s ‘suggests’! ( my new weekly post)

Don’t ever let someone tell you you can’t do something.

  You got a dream,

  you got to protect it.

  when people can’t do something themselves,

  they’re going to tell you that you can’t do it.

 You want something, GO GET IT. PERIOD.” – pursuit of happYness


Starting from now, I am going to do a new suggestion/recommended posts weekly, which inspired me, inspire me, or just a heart warming or even a laughable comedy that I enjoyed.

Movies, video’s, music, books… anything… that I want you all to see.

This week’s ‘suggest‘ is..

PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS” , a movie starring will smith and his son(Jaden smith).

I saw this movie long back, but thinking about it now, still does something to my heart and brain.

The fact that it is based on a true story, takes it to a whole new level.

It makes us to question ourselves about the things we were and are afraid to do,

when all we have to do is believe in what we do and keep our head held high through our sufferings. This beautiful movie with the addition of will smith’s brilliant acting, may make you teary but a worthwhile and heart warming movie to watch, which at the end, will leave you with a smile on your face.                                                                                                                                                                       umudunu-kaybetme2(1)     – the movie                                                                     pursuit of happiness – the book